Category: Tech & Partners

The Bincom creed is the Best Use of Technology, which is why we have formed strategic partnerships with various OEMs and technology innovator brands with demonstrated core specialties in different areas of ICT to give our customers access to a wider selection of niche solutions and product offerings.

We are certified to implement and customize enterprise grade solutions developed by premium brands recognized industry-wide as de-facto standard for the operation of meeting our customers diverse business needs. Our partners are recognized leaders who have certified us to industrial grade.


Open Source

Open source is essentially a cousin of the Free Software Movement, created to promote the free distribution of software unfettered by standard proprietary code restrictions. Open source, once you strip out all the emotion, is simply a way to develop software. At its simplest level, this saves programmers from having to constantly...

Referral Scheme

Referral Scheme

Bincom ICT Solutions is here to help a burgeoning trader to become a tycoon in their specific fields. Our innovative ideas, sophisticated ICT solutions and compact training program have created a new world for young businesspersons to establish a powerful and diverse functionality for their organization website. Our team of Expert Developers exploits...


OEM Technology

You might be wondering what OEM Technology means, OEM signifies original equipment manufacturer and it is a company responsible for producing hardware that is sold under the brand of another company. At Bincom ICT Solutions we provide our clients with the best OEM Technology solution giving you a lot of products...