Tagged: AI

Weekly Tech Roundup for October 30th 2020

“Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.”  Daniel Bell Thomas Edison once said “Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless”. Technology does not grow without making some mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes give us what we are looking for and more. Check...

Weekly Tech Roundup for October 23rd 2020

Times are changing and so is the technology that guides our day to day interactions with the versatile world. Developers are working round the clock to discover better ways to implement changes, you would have to consciously keep up with Trends so that you don’t get lost or left behind. We...

Weekly Tech Roundup for October 09th 2020

You are cruising along and then BAM! Technology changes. You have to adapt. – Marc Anderson They say the only permanent thing in life is change. They also say no room is bigger than the room for improvement. No better manifestation of these sayings, than Technology. Something that may seem...

Weekly Tech Roundup for September 18th 2020

With the world haven to deal with the spread of Covid-19, technological advances are unending. With the highlights below, you will come to understand that the human race is heading to a state of adapting to it’s current situation. Most persons would asked “How can man adapt to his environment?”....

Weekly Tech Roundup for August 14th, 2020

“If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.” Lyndon B. Johnson...

Weekly Tech Roundup for 13th March, 2020

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” — Albert Einstein “Technology will never replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational.” – George Couras “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to Magic.” – Sir...