Author: Precious

Weekly Tech Roundup for September 7 2018

The secret of Technology? Seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought about it. –  Dr. Albert Every once in a while, an old problem and big idea birth a new Technology and transforms the way a situation is thought of. It’s really hard for you to keep...

Currency Converter App

This Application was built to try and meet the specification for the Google-Udacity-Andela mobile web specialist track #7daysofcodechallenge. The mobile-web track covered courses on es6 and offline web apps. In General, the app was to be built with es6 or further versions of JavaScript to be able to function offline....

Website Creation Using WordPress

WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. It is a free and open-source content management system based on PHP and MySQL. There are also a huge number of designers, developers & bloggers who share their knowledge through blog posts, tutorials, reviews, videos and...