Weekly Tech Roundup for April 07, 2023

“Technology is a word that describes something that does not work yet.” – Douglas Adams.

Hello guys,

We bring you some interesting tech-update that will improve your knowledge of technology. Take a seat and enjoy this week’s tech update.

Tech snippets

OOP Project: Bank Account

A simple understanding OOP (Object Oriented Programming) way of creating a bank account project in Python for refreshers. – Peters Claver

What Is 8K? The Highest Resolution

Initially, I thought 8k is just 2 times 4k, how wrong I have been. In this article from Samsung, 8k is said to be 4 times the resolution of 4k. Mind-blowing right! – Ogabi Prince

AI-powered Search Engine Perplexity AI Lands $26M, Launches iOS App

Are you interested in knowing how this AI defer from chatGpt and Bing? – Oluwadamilola Akinrinmade

These Y Combinator-Backed Startups Are Trying To Build ‘ChatGPT for X’

ChatGTP, a popular AI chat box, is not limited. There is a lot to do with this impactful application. In the Y Combinator Winter 2023, startup firms explored the benefits of ChatGTP by participating in the project challenge of developing solutions implementing ChatGPT. -Taiwo T. Ayegunle

Ten (10) killer Python Automation Scripts

This article centers on automation. Instead of repeating the same script for the same results, you can automate it and then get into your relaxation mode while the automated script does its thing and outputs the expected results. – Collins Emmanuel

The Bitcoin Masterclasses Slovenia Workshop

After reading this you should be able to know practical ways to utilize Bitcoin Blockchain and improve ways of the flow of goods in the crypto market – Mubarak Abubakar

How To Create A Wireframe In Five (5) Straightforward Steps

Wireframe is the interaction of user flow using the sketch on paper. –  Sofiyat O. Lawal

Top 11 Trends In UI/UX Design

Research shows that 94% of all factors that influence a user’s first impression of a product are connected to design. The relevance of first impressions lies in the fact that unimpressed users are often linked with inexcusable things. – Ebitanmi M. Adekunle.

Minimum Viable Product Manager

A good Product manager understands the market and the tech team. He/she combines knowledge from these different areas to create solutions to customers’ needs. – Olaoluwakitan Ogunleye

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