Weekly Tech Roundup for November 26 2021

“I’m interested in things that change the world or that affect the future and wondrous, new technology where you see it, and you’re like, ‘Wow, how did that even happen? How is that possible?'” -Elon Musk

We have put together a list of technology trends for your perusal.  After all, knowledge is never enough. Take your time and digest every one of them. The world is fast evolving and so should your mind.

Tech Snippets

Infrastructure as Code Tools

This article talks about the major reason why Infrastructure as code is here to stay which includes it’s scalability, re usability amongst others. It also talks about the best practices in terms of security that will prevent hackers from gaining access to config files and passwords. -O.H

Simple PHP Frameworks For Websites

The best (and most efficient) way to use PHP is through a simple PHP framework. Here’s how these templates work and a look at some frameworks you might choose from. -P.U

Infinix Launches New Laptop 

Popular smartphone maker Infinix has stepped into the world of laptops, and has launched a new laptop. On Monday in the Philippines, the company launched the all-new Infinix INBook X1 laptop. Earlier, the brand introduced its Infinix INBook X1 Pro laptop. Infinix will expand its product range with the new INBook X1 laptop. -A.M

Download Windows 11 With This Workaround 

Window 11 started to roll out to eligible devices last month, as Microsoft launched its new operating system on Oct 5 . Everyone Using window 10 can upgrade for free if they have a compatible computer, but a lot of people are still waiting for the opportunity. -P.E

Trello Table View

Have you ever wanted able to visualize a board with a ton of lists in a more concise fashion? using Trello, Save the team time and keep meetings structured by pulling together a meeting agenda in Table before the meeting begins. this blog will be of a great help to you. -L.O

SharePlay in iOS 15.1

One of the most exciting new tricks is a FaceTime feature called SharePlay. It lets iPhone, iPad and Mac users share screens, and streams with each other for virtual watch parties. SharePlay wasn’t available in the initial iOS 15 release, but it’s included in iOS 15.1, which is out now. -O.O

AI et Gene From Covid-19

AI was used to uncover the gene that increases the risk of death from COVID-19. The relatively unstudied gene called LZTFL1 is the cause of the effect. -O.O

TikTok TV App

Tiktok expands its TV app influence and horizon to more devices in the US and Canada, this application redesigns the popular short-form video app for the big screen. -F.A

Gantt Chart vs. Roadmap

Most times it’s difficult to identify differences between a Gantt chart and a Roadmap as they are both used to set schedules for goals or milestones in a project. -N.A

The Pomodoro Technique

How to use the Pomodoro technique to get work done, Complete your task and increase productivity.

Google Message Update

Google rolled out a new messaging feature that shows iMessage reactions as emojis, making Apple-Android texting a little less of a pain. -G.O

Why Move From Cyber Security to Cyber Resilience

Beyond the daily struggles and challenges of contending with cyber criminals and hackers, cyber resilience addresses the cyber security basics; such as; patching vulnerabilities, detecting and mitigating threats, etc. -P.M

Instagram Rage Shake

Instagram has a new “Rage Shake” feature that allows users to shake their phones to report an issue with the app. You can explain what happened with the app and submit the problem after shaking to report. -O.W


Where the Angular guys: sit up, sit smart and see the upcoming ‘ng-conf 2022’. Dive in to get updates about it. “Develop with hottest framework: hard code or get  hardwired”. -J.I

Basic Principles of Graphic Design

Basic principles to make an Amateur become a pro in Graphics Design. -V.A

PHP isn’t Dead!

One common question many asked goes this way: “is php dead”.
No It isn’t. PHP is not dead. It isn’t dying and it isn’t reaching end-of-life. That’s it. No matter how much some people want it to go away, it isn’t going away. At least, not for a long time. -M.M

Windows 11 Emojis

The Windows 11 drops publicly in 2 months time and there are some modifications in the sticker pack. -M.E

Olivia Wami

My name is Olivia Wami. I am a Project & Product Manager, passionate about solving meaningful problems, pursuing social impact-driven tech initiatives, and designing delightful customer experiences.

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