Author: Mr James

corporate philisophy

Corporate Philosophy

Our Culture At Bincom ICT Solutions we are a team of creative, intelligent, and diligent people who strive for consistency and excellence.  We are fun loving, creative people who hold ourselves and each other to account in professionally delivering the high standard of quality our clients expect and deserve. We...

social lender

Social Lender

Social Lender is a social lending solution developed by Bincom ICT Solutions using Social media platforms. Small cash requests are offered to members of a Banks social media communities that have a valid Bank account with the designated bank. Cash requests are guaranteed based on the user’s Social profile and reputation. Social Lender...

South-South Economic Summit, 2012

Technology Partner for the South-South Economic Summit, 2012         Highlights Client: B.R.A.C.E.D Commission Situation: The South Side Economic Summit was an event where all the governors of the South-Southern States; Bayelsa, Rivers States, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Edo and Delta, came together to show-case the rich investment...

Community + Investments

  Our corporate structure encompasses several communities of ICT professionals with particular emphasis on tech-savvy visionaries . We consistently invest in ideas and passionate individuals and groups by providing funding, mentoring and support to help refine their raw ideas into products of tangible benefits and commercial viability. We are also...

Best Use of Technology

We are enthusiasts that keep up-to-date with the technological trends of the international community, thereby retaining our position as leaders in the continually evolving world of ICT. We also invest in internal research and development, as well as embrace existing and emerging technologies to give our emerging clients the competitive...

Project + Event

We manage various ICT related events , conferences , codesprints , seminars and so on . Bincom also offers a variety of trainings for various sector of IT. A unique feature of Bincom trainings is the excellent after-training support. We also offer ICT strategy and management training sessions. Our Project...