Election Monitoring Solution

The Electoral Systems in some countries are not yet perfect. Past corruption and several laxities of the electoral commission has caused opportunities for electoral fraud or at least the  suspicion of  Electoral Fraud.

Nowadays, being the candidate with the people’s mandate may not be enough to guarantee success at the polls. The information lapses which occur between the time voting results are  displayed at each polling station and when they are collated at sectoral nodes  is usually the window for perpetuating electoral fraud.

Even in the cases where no Electoral Fraud is committed, the ability to prove actual victory by candidates in a valid court of law has also now become a norm in the Nigerian Environment .

We have built an Enterprise grade and robust election  monitoring and real-time result analysis  tool to help deal with these scenarios.
Election Tracker© is an Enterprise software  designed to  monitor end-to-end election process and real-time collation of result from publicly available data from polling booths. We have bundled it with a support and management service that would ensure  it will deliver on being accurate information source pre-election , real-time source during  the election and accurate data bank  post – election.

Election Tracker is a custom election monitoring solution with the capacity to collate and validate voting results across the state.
It combines and interprets data accumulated from data sources (i.e. designated agents within the various polling stations) to give a detailed progression of the electoral process and election results as they unfold. The software’s unique algorithm tracks, collates, confirms, projects and displays the results of each polling station on a user friendly, graphical interface that provides a holistic view of the entire election process on a real-time basis and flags any anomalies that may arise.

The entire project life will be broken down into the following distinct phases :

1. Mobilization
2. Define project scope, processes and success metrics
3. Deployment
4. Agent Training and setup of Support Structure
5. Management and Monitoring
6. Data Acquisition and Collation.
7. Progress Tracking and Result Verification

For more info, click on Election Monitoring Solution

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