Vote Tracking System

Vote Tracker is a custom election monitoring solution with the capacity to collate and validate voting results.

The software’s unique algorithm tracks, collates, confirms, projects and displays the results of each polling station on a user friendly, graphical interface that provides a holistic view of the entire election process on a real-time basis.

It performs a detailed analysis of the accumulated data and cross-checks announced results against figures calculated from data collation.

It also allows results to be estimated per sectorial node and flags any anomalies that may arise.

Below are images from the integration of the  our solution in one of the past State Elections in Nigeria.









Our services will be deployed throughout the Project Life-cycle and will consist of the following activities:

  • Scoping & Strategic Planning
  • Co-ordinating Logistics, Manpower and Training
  • Software Deployment and Control
  • Data Management & Stakeholder Collaboration

For further inquiries, you can call us on +2347011954852 or you can also Drop us a message

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