Weekly Tech Roundup for August 3 2018

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You are cruising along and then Technology changes, you have to adapt – Marc Andersen

In order to do just that we have put together  a list of technology trends for your perusal. We also included some snippets from our daily knowledge development sessions, just to give you a little extra knowledge. After all, knowledge is never enough. Take your time and digest every one of them. The world is fast evolving and so should your mind.

Video calls on Whatsapp 

Whatsapp is gradually becoming very resourceful as you can now make group video calls on Whatsapp.

Top 20 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Coding Online
If you wish to become the programmer who uses the coding to make out the software, apps, tools etc then you would love to know that Youtube can help you a lot. Learn coding with the help of Youtube videos with 20 Youtube Channels to Learn Coding Online that will be greatly helpful with their cool guides. So have a look on complete guide below to proceed.

Learning can be Fun

The Avengers Hero Inventor Kit teaches kids about STEAM in a fun, accessible way.

Google Assistant Defeats Siri, Alexa, Cortana In IQ Test

According to the latest reports and recent studies, the tech giant Google’s well-known personal virtual assistant, of course, Google Assistant is much smarter than its rivals and simply managed to beat its rivals as well, hence, leaving Alexa, Cortana and Siri behind.

Don’t get hacked

Don’t fall a victim of hackers, common steps to take before you click download.

An addition to the many applications of this masterpiece
Researchers use Google Glass to help kids with autism to improve their social communication skills.

Bug-Sized Robot Competitors to Swarm DARPA’s ‘Robot Olympics’

While we were still getting used to cockroach sized robots, there already is an Olympic-ish competition among even smaller bug-sized robots…oh science! So DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is seeking innovative designs for robots that measure just a fraction of an inch, and the tiny bots will compete against each other in a series of contests of strength, speed and agility — similar to those that try the limits of human achievement in the Olympics…better go get your popcorn and soda for this one people.

Typescript 3.0 is here

Check out new features and how to implement them.

Apple become the first technology trillion dollar company

Apple beats google and the likes to become the first technology trillion dollar company.

Users will soon be able receive live traffic updates on car windscreens.

China and British researchers join forces on smart-screen technology, Users could receive live road and traffic updates across their car windscreens.

How much are you willing to pay to use whatsapp?

WhatsApp is set to start charging companies to use WhatsApp Business

Paradigm Initiative trains 1,000 youths on ICT, entrepreneurship to tackle cyber crime

A non-governmental organisation, “Paradigm Initiative” has trained 1,000 youths on ICT entrepreneurship to tackle cyber crime.

Knowledge Development


By Ezekiel Ekunola

– What is Dialogflow?
Dialogflow gives users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational interfaces, such as voice apps and chatbots, powered by AI.

Dialogflow helps reach more audience, accross billions of various devices whereever they are and can be integrated to various platforms like the google assistant, alexa, cortana, facebook messanger and the likes.

To get started with Dialogflow:

– Create Agent: First thing to do is to create an agent in dialogflow console which can be found at https://console.dialogflow.com i.e you’ll define what your agent name is, location, language etc.

– Intent: An Intent represents mapping between what a user says and what action should be taken.
The above statement basically means an intent is where you define training phrases of what you expect a user to input and respond accordingly.

– Entities are powerful tools used for extracting parameter values from natural language input. e.g if a user types or says ‘My name is James’, an entity can recognize that ‘James’ is a name parameter.

– Fulfillment: Fulfillment are used for defining webhook service urls and parameters. i.e if you have an Application Programming Interface (API) backend you want to integrate with dialogflow, the fulfillment panel is where you configure what endpoint dialogflow uses to consume the service.

– Integrations: Integrations panel helps configure what apps you want to integrate with dialogflow like the google assistant, alexa, and the likes.

– History: History panel is where you get to see the history of how users have been coneversing with your app, and gives you direction as to how to improve.

For more about how dialogflow works, kindly visit their documentation.

About Weekly Tech Roundup by Bincom Dev Center 

You probably already know that Bincom ICT‘s core is Best Use of Technology. This initiative is a compilation of some of the things the people at Bincom Dev Center  found interesting  during the week in review.  Bincom Dev Center is the Training & Development Arm of Bincom ICT.

In this weekly publication, You will find various pieces ranging from ideas, to trends, to random thoughts. They are here because we found them interesting.  We also include some knowledge development pieces and where to get more information about the topic. We aim to publish an edition every Friday at 5pm (with exception of Holidays).  We are working hard to keep  ourselves updated and we thing you should too!

Time for some Shameless Advertising:

  • Did we mention that we build awesome tech.  From core software development to bespoke Enterprise systems, check out Development + Support Services to see more details.
  •  And if you are more of a “Do it yourself” person (or organisation) or simply need additional technology resources to augment your team, you can check out our IT outsourcing solution called  Outsource IT by Bincom .

One more thing, Credits for this edition goes to :

  • Contributors:  All_of_us @ Bincom Dev Center
  • Compiled by:  Precious Oguche.
  • Edited by:  Nnaemeka Nwosu
  • Senior Responsibility Officer:   Bade Adesemowo

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